Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Take it Back Tuesday....

Time for another rendition of .... Take it back Tuesday! So I'm linking up with Jenn and Julia!
for another epic episode of.... 

I just want to go back to the day it was o.k. to walk around without my shirt on....but that seems to be frowned upon in certain establishments after you hit a certain age... whatev....
 I just want to go back to when photos like this were ok....if I did this today I'd just wind up on the cover of awkward family photos website....
I want to go back to a simpler time.... a slower pace... when I could wear my straw hat and bandana around my neck and not a peep would be made....
Back to when bangs were really bangs....
I just want to take it back... way back.... to when velvet... was.... well.... just velvet....and frills were frills and everyone thought my frilly red velvet jumpsuit was the shiz!
Oh well... a girl can dream.... maybe one day I'll be able to roam freely as I did long ago, topless, with bangs, in red velvet frills.....


  1. Hahahah I LOVE this!! Especially your velvet and bangs ;) Looking hott girlfriend!

  2. hahaha love the awkward family photo!!
