Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Take it Back Tuesday...Back to who he used to be.


it's tuesday, which means it's time to take it back!

time to link up with jenn for another take it back Tuesday.

all ya gotta do is grab their button, meet new friends, and talk about the good ol' days.

ready, set, go!
Today I want to go back to a time... really before my time.... to that of my husband....
Back to when he used to look like this....
Aww... Just look at that little guy!  Riding his plastic horse on bungee chords! Ya'll remember those?  Even I had one of those... It was great until the springs rusted.....Then you'd just be riding along one day and POP you're laying on the ground.... 
 Then we move on to this photo.... Adam and his jorts!  Nothing is sexier than a pair of Jorts....
 Yowzer! Look at those tube socks... or short shorts... or white tennies... there's just too much blast from the past going on here....
 Who doesn't want to go back to the day where it's ok to pee your pants?? I know I'd love to revisit this time... I mean there are days where I'm just like, "do I really feel like getting up and going to the bathroom? (you know when you're in the middle of a great movie, and you don't want to pause it)... but then I have to, because it's not ok to pee your pants once you hit a certain age.... whatev...
 Bless his heart.... yes this is the same kid (my now ever so handsome hubby).... those are cloth shorts.... again, with the tube socks... back when they actually still made you wear a jersey instead of lame t-shirts like they do nowadays  (and yes they were always way way too big for you, clearly no matter how big you were, YIKES!)
 This is one of my fav collages of all time... a glimpse through time... even to the buzz cut....
I just love to reminisce.  

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