Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's been a while.

I haven't blogged in a long time....
Well FOREVER. I have totally dropped the ball.  My last post was from 2013.

A lot has happened since we last met.

I had a little girl.

This is Palmer McCall Tallent.  She is almost TWO now.  She's the most awesome little girl on the planet.  She loves to read books.  She's SASSY.  She's sweet. She's HILARIOUS.  I call her a little pixie cause she's so tiny.  She's just wonderful.  She has my heart.

And this is Cray.  Ya'll haven't seen him in a while.  He is three now! He is such a SWEETHEART! He is the most kind child you will ever meet.  He loves everybody, and everybody is his friend.  He has my heart too.

And here's Adam. still doing his thing.  Coaching.  Being an awesome dad.  and still melting my heart every single day.

We sold our house.  Rented for a whole year.  and built a brand new house.  On my great grandmother's old property.  In the "holler" where I grew up as a child.  My kids love it as much as I did. 

I am back at it and promise to do better this time.  Looking forward to starting to blog again! Stay tuned.

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